Spinner Hubcaps

Spinner Hubcaps

Hubcaps don’t really serve any purpose other than to look nice and cover the steel rims of a car. All car guys have seen plenty of different types of hubcaps. Some are painted and others are made of plastic, chrome, stainless steel and some hubcaps even spin around.
Spinner Hubcaps For Sale

1955 Oldsmobile Spinner Hubcap
1955 Oldsmobile Spinner Hubcaps

In the 1950s and 1960s decorating hot rods and custom cars with wheel covers from another car was very common. The most desirable of these hubcaps were the ones that originally came on the 1953 to 1955 Oldsmobile. These hubcaps were known as the 15 inch Oldsmobile Fiesta three tined spinner hubcaps and were made of stainless steel and had the Oldsmobile logo in the center. Oldsmobile Spinner Hubcaps For Sale

1955 Oldsmobile 98 Sedan With Spinner Hubcaps
1955 Oldsmobile 98 Sedan With Spinner Hubcaps

The wire wheel spinners shown below are knock off spinners. The spinner threads and retains the wire wheel in lieu of lug nuts. See the 1957 MGA below with wire wheel knock off spinners.

1957 MGA
Wire Wheel Spinners on a 1957 MGA

This configuration differs from the “knock-off” spinners found on some racing cars and cars equipped with true wire wheels. While the knock-off spinner resembles an early hubcap, its threads also retain the wheel itself, in lieu of lug nuts. Knock Off Spinners For Sale